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Membership application

Use this membership application form if you wish to become an individual member of the Unemployment Fund for Education and Science (membership of the unemployment fund without membership of a trade union).

If you wish to join both a trade union and the Unemployment Fund for Education and Science, contact the trade union directly. If you are already or are planning to become a member of the Teacher Student Union of Finland – SOOL or the Finnish Psychological Association and are not yet a member of the the Unemployment Fund for Education and Science, apply for membership of the fund through a union.

If you are already a member of the Unemployment Fund for Education and Science through a trade union and want to leave the union but continue as an individual member of the Unemployment Fund for Education and Science, use the link below.

The unemployment fund provides non-union members with advice and services exclusively related to unemployment security and job alternation allowance, and pays these benefits to its eligible members. Fund members are not entitled to benefits offered by a union, such as the services of shop stewards, a union magazine or insurance cover, and the services provided by the fund do not include the supervision of interests.

Membership in the fund can start no earlier than the date on which the application for membership has arrived at the fund. Payment of the membership fee is a prerequisite for the start and maintenance of membership.

We will inform you of the acceptance or rejection of your membership application in writing and deliver it by post to the address that you have provided.

Membership application

"*" indicates required fields


We recommend providing a personal email, not a work email.

I wish to become a member of the Unemployment Fund for Education and Science.

DD dot MM dot YYYY
The date of joining the fund can be no earlier than the date on which you have applied for membership in the fund in writing. The fund cannot be joined retroactively.

Information on education and work

My situation on the date of joining
DD dot MM dot YYYY
On the date of joining, I am working in an employment or public service relationship and receive wages for which earnings-related pension, social security and unemployment insurance contributions and withholding tax are collected in Finland.*
I work abroad*

Business activities and self-employment

Specify here if you have business activities or stakes in the employer company

Moving to Finland

I have moved to Finland
From which country did you move to Finland? In the case of Sweden/Denmark: were you a member of an unemployment fund there, which fund, until which date. For other countries: when did your work end / until when did you receive unemployment allowance from that country.

Specify the name of the previous unemployment fund.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.