Special situations
In this section you will find more information about lay-offs and situantions comparable to lay-offs, employment promotion measures, suspension periods, grants, international situations, entrepreneurship and unemployment security for ageing people.

The employment authorities may request a jobseeker to undertake employment promotion measures, during which an earnings-related allowance is paid. The unemployment fund will pay you the same earnings-related allowance during your participation in the employment promotion measure as you would be entitled to during a period of unemployment. In addition, expense allowance may be paid for certain services, and the increased earnings component may be paid for services that started by December 31, 2024.
‘Suspension period’ refers to a penalty imposed by the employment authorities, which involves suspending your jobseeker status for a specific period of time during which you will not, as a rule, be eligible for an earnings-related allowance.
The effect of the grant on the right to earnings-related unemployment allowance is examined on a case-by-case basis at the employment authorities. The awarded grant must be immediately reported to the employment authorities and the fund.
If you move abroad, you should inform the Unemployment Fund for Education and Science and ask us for advice on continuing your membership and on transferring your periods of insurance and employment.
Layoff refers to a situation in which your employer unilaterally decides to shorten your working hours and, consequently, reduce your pay, while the employment relationship is otherwise valid. You may be entitled to an earnings-related allowance during the layoff period if the other conditions for the payment of the allowance are fulfilled. To pay the daily allowance on the basis of a lay-off or a situation comparable to lay-off, yor job search must also be valid with the employment authorities.
Self-employment in the context of unemployment security law can be either full-time or part-time. If you become unemployed or start a business while unemployed, the employment authorities will make an assessment as to whether your business counts as full-time or part-time self-employment. The employment authority’s assessment is binding on your unemployment fund.
The right to extended allowance, employment obligation and the change security model may be matters concerning an ageing jobseeker.
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