Taxation of benefits in late 2023 and early 2024
The annual limit on the tax card may be reached for some of our members, in which case the additional percentage on the tax card will be used. Many people have also begun to wonder how the benefit will be taxed after the turn of the year.
Some of our members may encounter a situation at the end of the year where the annual limit on their tax card is exceeded. In this case, the additional percentage of the tax card will be used in the payment of earnings-related daily allowance, job alternation compensation or mobility allowance.
The Unemployment Fund for Education and Science uses a function whereby the robot in our system estimates the average earnings-related daily allowance of our members for the rest of the year. If, based on this assessment, it appears that the annual limit on the tax card is about to be exceeded, a letter will automatically be sent to the member from the fund. The letter urges the member to check their own tax rate for the rest of the year and, if they so wish, submit a new revised tax card for benefits to the fund
Even though the robot checks the tax information, remember to monitor the accrual of the annual limit yourself. You can easily check the tax card and accrual information in Openetti under Income and Tax Details > Tax Details.
Taxation of benefits in 2024
In January 2024, the same withholding rate will be applied to the payment of benefits as in December 2023. However, the annual accrual will be reset at the turn of the year, so the basic percentage will be used in the payment.
We will receive your original tax card information for salary income for 2024 directly from the Tax Administration. The new tax rate will come into effect on 1 February 2024. You will not need to send the tax card you receive at home automatically to the Unemployment Fund. Based on the tax card for salary income, tax from the benefits is withheld at least 25%, even if the withholding rate is below it on the tax card.
If you want the withholding tax to be less than 25%, you can submit a revised tax card for benefits to the fund, in which case the tax will be withheld according to the withholding rate on the revised tax card.
Based on the tax card for salary income, tax from the benefits is withheld at least 25%, even if the withholding rate is below it on the tax card.
If you want the withholding tax to be less than 25%, you can submit a revised tax card for benefits to the fund, in which case the tax will be withheld according to the withholding rate on the revised tax card.
The fastest way to get a new tax card is to order one on the electronic service of the Tax Administration, MyTax, at When you order a tax card, please select “Opetus ja tiede Tk” as the payer of the benefit. If you do so, the information will be submitted to the Unemployment Fund for Education and Science automatically, and you will not need to submit your tax card separately. If you order a revised tax card for a social benefit in another manner, please send it to us on Openetti or by mail.
More information on the taxation of benefits paid by us is available on the website of the Tax Administration at