Contact us
We hope to contact us primarily through Openetti’s messages service. However, you can also reach us by phone on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Member, use our services smoothly!
- Send messages, questions, applications and attachments securely in the Openetti-service. Openetti is the fastest message channel for a member.
- Check and update your contact information in Openetti to get messages sent by the Unemployment Fund for Education and Science to the correct address.
- Use electronic forms to notify us of changes affecting your membership, such as resignation, joining a trade union, business activities and moving abroad.
- If you have any questions about your membership fees, first check out Membership fees.
- Not a member yet? Apply for membership!
Telephone service: 09 2294 4100 on Tuesdays and Thursdays 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Charges for calling fund’s customer service:
- calls from a landline phone: standard local network rate (pvm) or pvm + long-distance call charge
- calls from a mobile phone: standard mobile rate
We will record all calls to our customer service. We will use the recordings to improve our services and ensure quality and, if necessary, to ensure the correctness of the information provided and the safety of our employees.
Postal address: Opetus ja Tiede -työttömyyskassa (Unemployment Fund for Education and Science), Rautatieläisenkatu 6, 00520 Helsinki
Street address: Opetus ja Tiede -työttömyyskassa (Unemployment Fund for Education and Science), Kellosilta 7, 00520 Helsinki (see map)(opens in new window, you move to another service)

Email only for new members or partners:
Matters concerning the use of Openetti:
As the unemployment fund’s email is not protected, we do not recommend it for sending messages of a sensitive nature (such as messages including your personal ID number). However, you can choose to send such messages by email at your own risk
PLEASE NOTE The Unemployment Fund for Education and Science may send email via a protected connection, and only by replying to such an email can you send the message securely. If you send email to the unemployment fund in other ways, the connection is not protected..