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Reminder for those taking a job alternation leave

The job alternation leave system will be discontinued as of August 1, 2024, so now is the last chance to take job alternation leave

An amendment to the law will take effect on August 1, 2024, resulting in the discontinuation of the job alternation leave system.

It is still possible to start job alternation leave under the current law if the first day of leave is no later than July 31, 2024. For the leave to be considered started by July 31, 2024, the following conditions must be met:

  • The job alternation agreement must be submitted to the TE Office by July 31, 2024
  • The employment start date of the job alternation substitute must be no later than July 31, 2024

If you are unsure whether the job alternation agreement has been submitted to the TE Office, you can contact the TE Office for assistance.

Applying for job alternation compensation and payment of the benefit

Our members apply for job alternation compensation from us at the fund. The application for job alternation compensation can be submitted to us before the start of the job alternation leave, but no later than three months after the leave begins. The compensation is applied for with a single application for the entire duration of the leave. The following documents must be attached to the application:

  • a copy or a photo of the job alternation agreement
  • if you or a family member have a business or are self-employed, please include the most recent personal tax decision

Remember to also notify the TE Office of any business activities! The fund also requires a statement from the TE Office regarding your job alternation leave. We recommend contacting the TE Office before the start of your job alternation leave if you are unsure whether they have all the necessary information to issue the statement.

We generally do not need salary statements, as we obtain salary information from the income register.

Job alternation compensation applications will be processed only after you have completed two full calendar weeks of job alternation leave.

Additional instructions on applying for job alternation compensation and eligibility for the benefit can be found through the link below.

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