Frequently asked questions part 1
We are often asked the same questions around the same time of year. In the spring, we are asked theae questions.
You can also find the answer to your concerns in the FAQ section of our website. All the collected FAQs can be found in Frequently asked questions.
1. I am considering resigning for reasons, because (the reason). Is there going to be a suspension period? Am I entitled to earnings-related allowance as soon as the employment relationship has ended?
The Employment and Economic Development Office examines the applicant’s labour market policy conditions and decides on a possible suspension period, i.e. an unpaid period, if the applicant has
resigned from their job for no valid reason. These valid reasons for resigning from work are defined in the Unemployment Security Act, on the basis of which the assessment is carried out. As the TE Office decides on the suspension period to be set, we ask you to contact the TE Office in your area for further information on any suspension period that may be set. You can also find further information on the TE Office’s website.
2. Why have I been given a waiting period again? What is a waiting period?
Unemployment benefit can only be paid after the waiting period. The waiting period equals five weekdays of unemployment that must be met in 8 consecutive calendar weeks. When you work part-time during the application period, the waiting period for hourly accumulation is calculated so that the time corresponds to five full, completely unemployed days.
The waiting period is set for the first time when you become an applicant for earnings-related allowance and then no more than once a year when you re-fulfil the 26-week employment condition. The Fund will monitor the re-accumulation of the employment condition when processing your applications. If the employment condition is met, a waiting period is set, if necessary, and it is checked whether the salary on which the daily allowance is based are redefined at the same time. In this way, the waiting period can be set again, even if you have been receiving earnings-related allowance continuously.
3. I’m laid off for several periods. Is it sufficient that I have send my layoff notification and included the information on the layoff periods in the application? Should I make a separate
application for each period?
Earnings-related allowance must always be applied for in writing. A notification of unemployment or lay-offs alone is not enough. After the first application, a follow-up application must be filled out. The
right to earnings-related allowance is decided on the basis of your newlyreceived application, its attachments and the statement of the TE Office. Apply for each layoff period afterwards. Under the Unemployment Security Act, earnings-related allowance must be applied for no later than after three
months. You can find further information on filling out the layoff period application on our website under Applying for layoff-period(opens in new window).
4. I want to take a job alternation leave, what do I need to do?
If you want to take alternation leave, first find out if an alternation leave is possible for you. To take alternation leave, you must work a permanent full-time job and your working hours must be at least 75% of the full-time work. It is also a condition that you have worked for the same employer for 13 months before you take alternation leave. There must also be 20 years of employment history. You can find out in advance the length of your employment history from the the Fund. Ask the Fund for a written assessment of the adequacy of your work history through Openetti. In the message, you should state your date of birth, the planned time of starting the job alternation leave and your current home address. The exact requirements and restrictions to job alternation compensation can be found on the Funds website.
The job alternation leave is primarily a contract matter between you and your employer. Agree in writing on your job alternation leave with your employer and fill out the job alternation agreement. You can find the application on the TE Office website. Next, contact the TE Office. They will examine your right to job alternation leave and give a statement regarding the matter to the Fund. Deliver the necessary attachments to the TE Office.
When you job alternation leave approaches, submit the application for the whole job alternation period to the Fund . The easiest way to apply for job alternation compensation is through Openetti. A copy of your job alternation agreement is required as an attachment. We will receive salary information from the Incomes Register as of 1 January 2020, so as a rule, you do not need to attach salary information for 52 weeks to the application. If you or your family member are engaged in business activities, a copy is needed of the last confirmed tax decision and a statement from the Employment and Economic Development Office that you are eligible for the compensation despite the business activities.
Job alternation compensation is paid retroactively in periods of four calendar weeks or one month. The first payment period can be or a shorter or longer period, depending on the processing situation.