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The Unemployment Fund has sent an information letter to its members who turn 65 years in 2023. The letter contains important information about the right to earnings-related allowance after the age of 65 and about  retirement and its effects on the membership.
Remember to notify the unemployment fund when you retire or want to resign from the fund for another reason. If you have already announced your resignation from the unemployment fund (e.g. in connection with your resignation from a trade union) or if you have already retired, please contact us as soon as possible. The right to earnings-related allowance from the Teachers’ Unemployment Fund ends at the same time as you resign from the fund or retire.
You can submit a notification using the electronic form on our website. Alternatively, you can also use Openetti-messages to report it. In this
case, indicate in the message what date you are retiring or want to resign from the fund. If you belong to an unemployment fund through a trade
union, be sure to report retirement or resignation from the fund to a
trade union as well.