Daily allowance calculator
Use the calculator to estimate your daily allowance for the period of unemployment or lay-off.
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Instructions for Using the Calculator
Use the fields in the calculator carefully by selecting the appropriate calculation method:
◆ Calculate based on the monthly salary – Choose this option if you want to estimate the amount of your future earnings-related daily allowance. Enter your gross salary as the monthly income.
◆ Calculate based on the earnings-related daily allowance – Select this option if you are already receiving earnings-related daily allowance and know the amount of your current daily allowance.
With the calculator, you can:
✅ Estimate the amount of your earnings-related daily allowance
✅ Check possible step-based variations in the daily allowance
✅ Determine the impact of salary or social benefits on the daily allowance
You can also use Openet’s daily allowance calculator for a more accurate estimate.
Note! The final amount of the daily allowance may depend on several factors that this estimate does not take into account. Please note that the estimate is not binding for the unemployment fund but is only indicative.