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Starting a new job in the fall? Read this!

Some of our members will start a new full-time or part-time job in the fall. This news article provides instructions on how to apply for daily allowance when starting a new job, as well as other important considerations.

Is the new job full-time or part-time?

There is no entitlement to earnings-related daily allowance for full-time work lasting more than two weeks (except in cases of layoffs or situations comparable to layoffs). For part-time work or full-time work lasting up to two weeks, you may be eligible for adjusted daily allowance during the employment relationship. However, there is no entitlement to adjusted daily allowance if the working hours have been reduced at the employee’s own initiative or by mutual agreement with the employer.

Full-time work is employment where the working hours exceed 80 percent of the maximum working hours applicable to a full-time employee in the sector.

Part-time work is employment where the working hours are up to 80 percent of the maximum working hours applicable to a full-time employee in the sector. For example, if a class teacher has a maximum working time of 24 hours per week and her contractual weekly working time is 19 hours, she may be entitled to adjusted daily allowance during the employment relationship. In this case, the working time percentage is approximately 79.17%, which is below 80%. You can apply for adjusted daily allowance for the period of part-time employment.

Remember to keep your job search valid at the TE Office also when applying for adjusted daily allowance!

Also notify the TE Office about the start of work. We recommend keeping your job search valid with the TE Office if you are unsure whether your job is full-time or part-time, as the right to daily allowance can only occur for the period during which your job search has been valid.

Full-time work lasting more than two weeks

If you start a full-time job lasting more than two weeks, you can apply for daily allowance up to the day before the employment and salary payment begin.

Example 1: Your previous application for earnings-related unemployment allowance was from 26 June 2024 to 25 July 2024.

  • You start working full-time for more than two weeks on 7 August 2024, and the payment of salary also starts on 7 August 2024
  • Submit your final application for the period 26 July 2024 – 6 August 2024. In this case, the application form asks for a reason for a shorter application period than usual, to which you can answer “yli kaksi viikkoa kestävä kokoaikatyö” (full-time work lasting more than two weeks)”. You can submit the application no earlier than 6.8.2024. Remember to check that the dates in the application period are correct! If necessary, adjust the dates in the “Edit application period” -section.

Example 2: Your previous application for earnings-related unemployment allowance was from 26 June 2024 to 25 July 2024.

  • You start working full-time for more than two weeks on 7 August 2024, but the payment of salary starts already on 1 August 2024
  • Submit your final application for the period 26 July 2024 – 31 July 2024. In this case, the application form asks for a reason for a shorter application period than usual, to which you can answer “yli kaksi viikkoa kestävä kokoaikatyö” (full-time work lasting more than two weeks)”. You can submit the application no earlier than 31.7.2024. Remember to check that the dates in the application period are correct! If necessary, adjust the dates in the “Edit application period” -section.

Part-time work or full-time work lasting up to two weeks

If you start a part-time job or a full-time job lasting up to two weeks, you can continue to apply for daily allowance with the same rhythm as during the summer. In some cases, the application rhythm may need to be adjusted due to the upcoming salary payment schedule. If this happens, the application handler will contact you and request the application for the correct period. The employment contract for part-time work must always be attached to the application.

Remember to report your working hours in the application. Instructions for reporting working hours can be found in the Openetti instructions section on our website, accessible via the button below.

Example 1: Your previous application for earnings-related unemployment allowance was from 26 June 2024 to 25 July 2024.

  • You start part-time work on 7 August 2024
  • You can continue to apply for earnings-related unemployment allowance according to your normal application rhythm even after the employment relationship has started. Submit your next application for the period 26 July 2024 – 25 August 2024. In your application, include a copy of the employment contract and remember to report your hours worked.

Example 2: Your previous application for earnings-related daily allowance was from 1 July to 31 July.

  • you start a 10-day full-time job on 7 August 2024
  • You can continue to apply for earnings-related unemployment allowance according to your normal application rhythm even after the employment relationship has begun. Submit the following application for the period 1 August 2024 – 31 August 2024. You can submit the application no earlier than 31.8.2024. Attach an employment contract to the application, if one has been drawn up. If no employment contract has been drawn up for the substitute, please indicate the duration of the substitute position, for example, in the application details section or by sending us a message in Openetti. Be sure to report the working hours on the application.

Are you a new applicant for daily allowance?

f you have not applied for daily allowance for the summer and are a new applicant starting, for example, part-time work in the fall, you can read the instructions in the section “Applying for earnings related allowance.” Additionally, we recommend familiarizing yourself with the information on how to apply for adjusted daily allowance on our website, which you can access via the button below.

Save the employment contract

It is advisable to keep a copy of your employment contract when starting a new job. If you start part-time work and apply for adjusted daily allowance from us, the fund will need a copy of the employment contract at the time of applying for the adjusted daily allowance.

If you start a full-time job lasting more than two weeks, the unemployment fund may require a copy of the employment contract by the time you potentially apply for unemployment benefits again.

Is your commute long?

After unemployment, if you start a new job that lasts at least 2 months, and your commute is at least 3 hours per day for full-time work or at least 2 hours per day for part-time work, you may be eligible for mobility allowance.

Read more via the button below to find out under what conditions you might be eligible for mobility allowance and how to apply for it.

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