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The Financial Supervisory
Authority has confirmed the new rules of the Fund on 13 June 2022. As a result of the changes, an increasing number of
higher education or university students will be able to become members of the Fund.
If you are already a member of our Fund, you will not be affected by this
change. We are still a proper unemployment fund for teachers, researchers,
psychologists and experts in the field of education.

We’ve put
together some of the new rules in the picture below. In addition to these
amendments, there are also a few points in the rules that have been revised
concerning, for example, the tasks of the administration and the Bureau. The new rules have been published on the Fund’s

Compilation of changes

You can read about the full membership conditions under the new rules of
the Teachers’ Unemployment Fund here: Conditions of membership.

According to the new rules, the name of the Fund
will also change in 2023. Until the
end of 2022, we will continue to be the
Teachers’ Unemployment Fund
, after which the name of our Fund will change to
Unemployment Fund for Education and Science