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Can I get strike benefits, if I am only a member of the fund? Im not a
member of the union.

Unemployment fund doesn’t pay strike benefits.
If you are prevented from working because of the strike that aims to affect
your employment conditions, you aren’t entitled to earnings-related allowance.

Im working only part-time, can I get earnings-related allowance for the strike

If you are working part-time
and getting adjusted allowance from the fund, you are not entitled to have
allowance for the strike days.

I’m laid off during the

If the notice of lay-off has been submitted before the strike warning is
issued, the earnings-related allowance can be paid if the strike date coincides
with the lay-off date already announced earlier. However, mark the strike dates
in the additional information of the application.

However, if your lay-off is carried out by shortening the working week,
earnings-related allowance cannot be paid for strike days that fall on working

My pay is interrupted by
a strike, even though the strike is not intended to affect my working
conditions or the terms of my employment relationship.

If your work has been prevented due to a strike that has no impact on your
working conditions, register with the TE Office as an unemployed job seeker.
The TE Office issues a statement to the fund that your work is inhibited due to
a strike or lockout.

The employer is obliged to pay wages for a period of 7 or 14 days if the
work is prevented as a result of industrial action by other employees. The
Unemployment Fund makes a decision on whether it is an industrial action in
accordance with the law that does not affect your working conditions.