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The Nordic labour  market service model will enter into force on 2 May 2022. The model will have an effect on the unemployed
jobseekers’ obligation to apply for work. Once this amendment to the law enters
into force, the TE Office will offer more services and contact its customers
more often, and the suspension periods will also become shorter.

to apply for work

As a rule,
the new model requires jobseekers to apply for at least four jobs per month.
This requirement is not, however, absolute in all cases. Exceptions are
possible, for example, if the person is unfit for work or if there are not enough jobs for
people to apply for.

with the TE Office or a municipality participating in the local government

In the
future, jobseekers will have more appointments with the TE Office. In the new
model, the jobseeker’s first meeting will be with the TE Office or a
municipality that is participating in the local government trial within five
business days of the beginning of the person’s job search. The job search discussions
will continue for the following three months, usually every two weeks. After
that, there will be a three-month break from these meetings. This intensive
service will be repeated for one month if the person’s job search has lasted
for six months.

The number
of job search discussions may vary in the event of short-term unemployment, a
layoff, partial work, self-studying, a work trial, or a pay-subsidised job.

suspension periods

amendment will especially affect long suspension periods. The 90-day suspension
periods will be abandoned entirely, and in the future, the longest suspension
period duration is 45 days. Reminders are introduced as a new policy. A reminder can be issued after the first act of negligence or forgetfulness.
If this behaviour is repeated, the TE Office may impose a seven-day suspension
period. If the behaviour still continues, a 14-day suspension period may be
imposed. The daily allowance is paid a maximum of five days per week, so the benefit days are reduced by 5 or 10 days. If the behaviour continues after this, the jobseeker may lose their right to the unemployment
benefit until further notice (employment obligation).

The reminder policy will not be applied in cases where the person resigns or refuses
work offered by the employer. In such case, a 45-day suspension period is
imposed after the first resignation or work refusal.

information about the Nordic labour market service model is available from the
TE Office and the municipalities that are part of the local government trial.
You can also read more about the subject on the Finnish Government’s website.