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Extended allowance means that while certain conditions are met, elderly
jobseekers may receive earnings-related allowance after the normal maximum payment
period has been exhausted until the end of the month in which they reach the
age of 65 or retire. For example, the possibility for extended allowance is already
at this moment dependent on the applicant’s birth year and age when the maximum
days are reached.

The Government has decided on the gradual removal of the
right to extended allowance starting from the year of 2023. This
change does not apply to those, who are already receiving their allowance on
extended days. Practically, those born in the year 1963 are the first age group
affected by this decision. Gradual removal will be put into effect as such: The
age limit for the right to extended allowance will be increased by one year per
age group starting from those born in the 1963 and the possibility for extended
allowance will be removed completely for those born in the year 1965 and after.

The changes to extended allowance were announced as a part
of the Government’s employment measures on December 2020.

As a counterbalance, the Government decided on improvements
to 55-year-olds employment promotion measures. For more information about these
measures, please visit the Government’s website.

These decisions
will come into effect after the Government proposal to the Parliament of
Finland has been made and the Parliament has confirmed the proposal.