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Before your work terminates 

1. Check from the Openetti service that your contact information is up to date (postal address, email, telephone, IBAN bank account number). Please see Openetti instructions if needed. 

2. Check our website for instructions on application attachments. 

3. Inform your trade union’s member registry about the termination of your work and ask for a reduced membership fee. For links to trade unions’ websites, see the section Member unions.

At the latest, when your work terminates

4. Register as a jobseeker for a full-time employment with your local Employment and Economic Development Office (TE Office) as soon as your work has terminated. Further information on registration: and the employment administration’s national telephone service: 0295 020 713.

No earlier than at least two full calendar weeks after registering as a jobseeker with the TE Office

5. Send your first application for earnings-related allowance to the unemployment fund.

6. Add the required attachments to your application (check our website for instructions on the attachments that you need to send to the fund). 

Submitting your next application

7. If you are fully unemployed, submit the next application after four full calendar weeks have passed from the last date of your first application. 

8. If you have part-time work, earned income from entrepreneurial activities or receive a monthly benefit affecting your allowance, submit the next application for one month. A month is for example from the 15th to the 14th. 

9. Please note that allowance is always applied for retroactively, i.e. for time passed.

The queuing time for the processing of your application begins when the unemployment fund has received your application. You can monitor the status of application processing from our website. 

If your application is incomplete, we will send you a request for additional information when the processing of your application begins. Please monitor your mail for possible requests from us. During the holiday season, the easiest way to do this is to start using the e-letters function in the online Openetti service.