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Part-time work refers to employment subject to unemployment allowance, where the working time is no more than 80% of the maximum working time applicable to full-time employees in the sector. Income received from part-time employment and employment lasting no more than two weeks is taken into account in the daily allowance in accordance with the time of the payment date.
If you are working part-time, you can apply allowance in one month or one calendar month periods. Please inform your working hours in your application and send us your work contract and a payslip. If the salary has not been paid during the application period, please inform us the estimated payement date in the application. Send us your payslip with the next application or with the application where the payment date is.
Full-time employment refers to employment where the working time is more than 80% of the maximum working time applicable to full-time employees in the sector. If you have a full-time work and it says in your work contract that you have an unpaid period which is based on the institution’s established period of operation, please send us an application from this unpaid period. Send us all the payslips after your last application.
Does your work contract end before Christmas and your next work contract starts on January? Please send us your application from the time period you have been unemployed. This way we can check if you have the right to receive earnings-related allowance. Send us your work contracts and payslips with the application.
Please notice that a current application for full-time employment at a TE-office is always a prerequisite for the payment of an allowance.
We recommend you to send us your application even when you are not sure about your right to receive earnings-related allowance. Your right to receive an allowance will be decided on the grounds of your application. Our customer service will help you if you have any questions about applying. The easiest way to contact us is by sending a message through our Openetti-service. We will respond to messages in three working days.