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Services that count toward the activity
requirement must support employment, and the unemployment fund must be provided
with a certificate. Therefore, the change does not expand the scope of the
services that count towards activity. Services that support inclusion and
well-being are still not considered as services that accumulate the activity
requirement according to the Active Model. Activity is also not accumulated by
applying for work, job interviews or participation in recruitment events. The
service must be a service that supports recruitment, i.e. employment.

Even though the Activation Model will change
from 1 April 2019 onwards, the new methods of fulfilling the activity
requirement are not necessarily immediately valid. You can fulfil the activity
requirement with, for example, a service organised by a trade union only if the review period of 65 benefit
payment days begins on or after 1 April 2019

More information will be published on the TE
Office Services’ website and the service. See also the employment-supporting services provided by your trade

Therefore, if you already participate in a
service organised by a trade union in April 2019, the participation will
accumulate your activity only if your review period of 65 benefit payment days
has started on or after 1 April 2019.

You must be provided with a certificate that
proves your participation in the service if it is a service that supports
employment according to the change that takes effect on 1 April 2019.

The certificate shall be delivered to the
unemployment fund as an attachment to the application for the unemployment
period. On the basis of the certificate the payers of the benefit, i.e.
unemployment funds, will consider the participation as a service that
accumulates activity. The certificate form can also be found on our website
under Forms.

Further information: Frequently asked questions about the activation model for unemployment security