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Which tax withholding rate will you use in January 2019?

When paying out benefits in January 2019, we will apply the same tax withholding rate as in December 2018. However, the annual accrual will be reset, in other words, we will apply the basic rate.
Do I need to send you my tax card?

We will receive your original tax card information for salary income for 2019 directly from the Tax Administration. The new tax rate will come into effect on 1 February 2019. You will not need to send the tax card you receive at home automatically to the Unemployment Fund.


  1. If you order a revised tax card, please have it calculated for a social benefit. We will receive the information of the revised tax card calculated for a social benefit on the next business day when you request for a tax card on MyTax, the electronic service of the Tax Administration. When you order a tax card, please select Teachers’ UF (Opettajien Tk) as the payer of the benefit. If you do so, the information will be submitted to the Teachers’ Unemployment Fund automatically, and you will not need to submit your tax card separately. If you order a revised tax card for a social benefit in another manner, please send it to us on Openetti or by mail. Learn more about MyTax.
  2. Tax information is obtained from the Tax Administration on the basis of membership. If you joined at the end of the year or later, please check whether we have received the information on your tax withholding rate directly. The most convenient way to check this is on Openetti, under “Personal information – Tax Data”. If there is no tax data, please order a revised tax card for earnings-related allowance on MyTax.

What is my tax withdrawal rate?

In 2019, the tax withholding rate of salary will be applied to earnings-related allowance, mobility allowance and job alternation compensation. The rate will always be at least 25 per cent
If you provide the unemployment fund with a revised tax card determined for benefits, tax is withheld accordingly.

Note that your tax withdrawal rate is also affected by the annual income threshold provided on your tax card. On exceeding the threshold, we will apply the higher rate. 

How to I obtain a revised tax card for benefits?

The fastest way to get a new tax card is to order one on the electronic service of the Tax Administration, MyTax, at The information of a revised tax card ordered for a social benefit in the service is usually available for us on the next business day. When you order a tax card, please select Teachers’ UF (Opettajien Tk) as the payer of the benefit. If you do so, the information will be submitted to the Teachers’ Unemployment Fund automatically, and you will not need to submit your tax card separately. If you order a revised tax card for a social benefit in another manner, please send it to us on Openetti or by mail. Learn more about MyTax. More information on the taxation of benefits paid by us is available on the website of the Tax Administration at