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Have you been working throughout the last school year, but your employment relationship will end at the spring feast? In that case, the active model’s monitoring period of 65 payment days will start from the date, on which we start paying you an earnings-related allowance. 

For example, if your employment ends on 2 June 2018 and you apply for the earnings-related allowance starting from 3 June 2018, the waiting period of five working days will take place from 3 to 10 June 2018 and the first payment day of the earnings-related allowance will be 11 June 2018. If you start a new employment relationship on 6 August 2018, for example, you will be paid an earnings-related allowance for a total of 40 days from 11 June to 6 August 2018, which means that the limit of 65 payment days will not be exceeded and the active model will not affect your earnings-related allowance. 
However, if you have already become unemployed earlier in the spring and your new employment relationship will only start later in the autumn, the active model may reduce your earnings-related allowance, if you receive an allowance for more than 65 payment days in total.
For example, if your employment already ended on 8 April 2018 and you applied for an earnings-related allowance starting from 9 April 2018, the waiting period took place from 9 to 15 April 2018 and the first payment day was 16 April 2018. If your new employment relationship after the summer starts on 10 September 2018, for example, you will be paid for a total of 105 payment days from 16 April to 9 September 2018. If you are not active during the first 65 payment days, i.e. from 16 April to 15 July 2018, your earnings-related allowance will be reduced by 4.65 per cent starting from 16 July 2018 for the duration of the rest of your unemployment days.
The aforementioned examples assume that a waiting period is set. However, it may not be set in all situations. Further information on the waiting period can be found on our website in the section Waiting period
If you have been working part-time and have applied for an adjusted allowance starting already from 1 January 2018, we will review your activity starting from the turn of the year in periods of 65 payment days. 

You can find more detailed information about the active model and fulfilling the activity requirements in the section Active model on our website. Note especially the section Information to be submitted to the fund. In the section Decisions – Activity follow-up of the Openetti service, you can check the start date of your monitoring, whether your activity requirement has been fulfilled, and how many payment days have already been spent during the activity monitoring.