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Which tax withholding rate
will you use in January 2018?

paying out benefits in January 2018, we will apply the same tax withholding
rate as in December 2017. However, the annual accrual will be reset, in order
words, we will apply the basic rate. 

Do I need to send you my tax

receive your initial tax card information for wage income for 2018 directly
from the Tax Administration. The new tax rate becomes into effect on 1 February
2018. You do not need to send the tax card that you automatically receive to
the unemployment fund.


  1. If you have a tax-at-source card or a graduated tax card,
    you must send the original tax card to the unemployment fund by post. 
  2. If you request a revised tax card from the Tax
    Administration, ask for it to be determined
    for a benefit and send it to the unemployment fund either by post
    or through Openetti.

NOTE! Tax information is obtained from the Tax Administration on the basis of
membership. If you joined at the end of the year or later, please check with
the unemployment fund whether we have received information on your tax
withholding rate. You can also check your tax withdrawal rate applied by the
fund through the Openetti service at under Payments, decisions and
accumulation – Tax information. 

What is my tax withdrawal

2018, the withholding tax rate determined for wages and salaries will be increased for the payment of
earnings-related allowance so that the tax withheld is at least 25%. The increase concerns rates determined for wages and
salaries that were initially lower than 25%. If your rate was initially 25% or
higher, we will apply the rate determined by the tax authority. 

you provide the unemployment fund with a revised
tax card
determined for benefits,
tax is withheld accordingly, without an increase.

Note that your tax withdrawal rate is also affected by
the annual income threshold provided on your tax card. On exceeding the
threshold, we will apply the higher rate. 

How to I obtain a revised tax card for benefits?

quickest way to obtain a new tax card is to go to
You can order a revised tax card for benefits in 2018 from the tax authority as
from 14 December 2016. You can print out your tax card from the online service
and send it to us via Openetti. You can send us a revised tax card sent to your
home either via Openetti or by post. You can also select in the online tax card
service the option enabling your tax card to be sent directly to us at the
Teachers’ Unemployment Fund.

more about the service and how to use it at!

Do you have any questions
about the taxation of earnings-related allowance or job alternation allowance?

More information on the taxation of benefits paid by
us is available on the website of the Tax Administration at