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Login to Openetti

However, Openetti is much more than a service for applying for earnings-related allowance. Openetti helps in managing personal information. You can change your address within the service, for example. The service is also ideal for checking and monitoring personal earnings-related allowance payments, as you can view your history of earnings-related allowance under Paid benefits and decisions made concerning you under Decisions. 

The application-related function that is currently widely used is the one used for applying for adjusted allowance (changeable follow-up application). You can send us attachments through it that were not included in the application. The Messages function in Openetti is a secure channel for contacting us online, and we recommend using it instead of email. 

The Openetti service has gained plenty of positive feedback. If you have not yet tried it, we recommend that you take a look at it! More information on Openetti: