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Earnings-related allowance consists of a basic component, an earnings-related component and possible child increases. The amount of the basic component equals the basic unemployment allowance, which is set each year on the basis of the national pension index. 

The change in the basic component will also affect the earnings-related component. The earnings-related component is 45% of the difference between your daily pay and the basic component. If your salary is higher than the income limit, the earnings-related component of the exceeding amount is 20% of the difference between your daily pay and the basic component. The income limit is calculated by multiplying the basic component by 95.

The decrease in benefits is due to the fact that the national pension index has dropped due to a negative inflation rate. Examples of the effect of the change at the monthly level: 

If your monthly salary prior to your unemployment was EUR 2,500, the amount of your daily allowance in 2016 will be EUR 1.5 less per month than in 2015. If your salary was EUR 3,000, the reduction is EUR 4.3 per month. The change is automatically applied to the amount of the daily allowance. No separate decision will be issued unless you request it from us in writing.